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Our Board of Directors

El Distrito de Recreación Soledad-Mission es un distrito especial del condado de Monterey. Recibe una parte de los impuestos a la propiedad pagados por los propietarios al condado. Las evaluaciones de impuestos a la propiedad son $ 0.17 por cada $ 100 pagados. Esta evaluación no ha cambiado desde la creación del Distrito en 1962. Estos fondos se destinan a los costos operativos asociados con el Distrito. Permitir que los costos del programa se mantengan bajos.

El Distrito es guiado por una junta directiva voluntaria y reporta a la oficina de Supervisores del Condado. La administradora del distrito es la directora ejecutiva, Frances Bengtson.

El Distrito de Recreación fue fundado en 1962. Durante 12 años, la Junta fundadora recaudó dinero, donaciones y ofreció su tiempo y recursos para que se construyera la piscina cubierta Soledad de 25 metros en 570 Walker Dr. en Soledad.

Durante los siguientes 15 años, el Distrito de Recreación abrió la piscina todos los veranos, brindó lecciones de natación, campamentos diurnos y noches de cine. En los años 80, la Piscina se convirtió en la principal actividad del Distrito, el desafío fiscal de operar una piscina comunitaria bajo techo envió otros programas comunitarios a la tajadera.

La piscina siempre fue una atracción durante el verano, y en 2000 la piscina Soledad abrió durante todo el año por primera vez. En 2001, comenzaron a surgir nuevos programas, programas como campamento diurno de verano, tenis, golf de primer tee, atletismo y películas en el parque. Durante los siguientes 7 años, el Distrito de Recreación pasó de ser una organización en números rojos a una organización en ascenso. En 2008, se completó una renovación completa de la sala de la piscina después de mucho trabajo arduo en nombre de la Junta Directiva y luego de la Directora Ejecutiva, Stacey Wilson.

La desaceleración de la economía afectó directamente al Distrito de Recreación, reduciendo los fondos operativos vitales. Sin embargo, al mantener un servicio de calidad, mantener bajos los costos del programa y mantener una visión constante, el Distrito de Recreación ha aumentado la participación en el programa en casi todas las categorías. ¡Visítenos y vea si hay algo para usted!

Nuestra historia


Job Description

There are currently 2 vacant seats for the Board of Soledad Mission Recreation District. 4 year terms of service to the Board are currently appointed in 2 distinct avenues: Through appointment by the County Board of Supervisors or by appointment by the Soledad Mayor. A mid-term appointment are currently filled with 60 days of the vacancy by appointment by a consensus of the Board of Directors. 


Please fill out form, download & email to 

County Board of Supervisor Appointment
Notice of Vacancy

Interested persons are hereby noticed that pursuant to Government Code §1780 there is a vacancy on the
Soledad-Mission Recreation District

Board of Directors.

This County Appointed Seat to be filled begins immediately, and is mid-term. The seat will go to appointment by January 24, 2023 to complete term cycle ending January 31, 2025.

Applications are available at the Soledad-Mission Recreation District offices located at:

570 Walker Drive, Soledad CA

Applications are due by January 10, 2023 to the Soledad Mission Recreation District at 570 Walker Dr. or P.O. Box 1650 Soledad, CA 93960.

Pursuant to Government Code §1780 this notice will be posted for at least 15 days in 3 or more conspicuous locations in the District beginning 12/02/2022.

Our mission
Mayoral Appointment- City of Soledad
Notice of Vacancy

Interested persons are hereby noticed that pursuant to Government Code §1780 there is a vacancy on the
Soledad-Mission Recreation District

Board of Directors.

This City Appointed Seat to be filled begins immediately, and is mid-term. The seat will go to appointment by January 31, 2023 to complete term cycle ending January 31, 2027.

Applications are available at the Soledad-Mission Recreation District offices located at:

570 Walker Drive, Soledad CA

Applications are due by January 10, 2023 to the City of Soledad submittal 

Directly to City Offices at 248 Main St. Soledad, CA 93960, via email to,

or to the

Soledad-Mission Recreation District via email, or mail P.O. Box 1650, Soledad, CA 93960.

Pursuant to Government Code §1780 this notice will be posted for at least 15 days in 3 or more conspicuous locations in the District beginning 12/02/22.

¿Qué significa esto?

Al brindar muchas oportunidades de recreación diferentes, desde ejercicios acuáticos hasta Giants Trips, Day Camps, 5K Fun Runs y otros eventos especiales, el Recreation District se enfoca en mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestra comunidad. Al llegar a muchos intereses personales y diferentes públicos, tratamos de ofrecer algo para todos. Al establecer altos estándares de nuestro programa para que los eventos sean aptos para la familia, todos pueden sentirse cómodos participando en la programación de recreación.

Nuestro enfoque está en la calidad y la variedad. Queremos que sea una parte activa de su Distrito Recreativo.

our vision

District Transparency

Nuestra visión
Meet the team

The District was formed by a vote of the people of the District in 1962. Download the original formation documents and currently in practice guiding language.


Transparency Documents

January 2022 Regular Board Agenda

In effort to provide the public with the most information possible: This section of the website is under improvement. Our goal is to have accessible and transparent information accessible to the public in an easy to access and navigate manner. Please reach out if you need any information in the meantime. 

January 2022 Special Meeting Board Agenda

January 2022 Special Meeting Board Minutes

December 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda

December 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes


Formal RFP  Submittal period for Audit Services is now closed.

There were no formal proposals and the District is now open to accept proposals at anytime. Soledad-Mission Recreation District will consider the hiring of a new audit firm in Fall 2023, and will include any proposals received in the interim. Download the current RFQ for your review.

The Soledad-Mission Recreation District (District) is requesting proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to provide independent auditing services for the District.  The term of the agreement to provide auditing services will be for six fiscal years, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.  These annual audits are to be performed on a Biennial Audit Schedule as approved by our County Board of Supervisors. These audits are to be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States.


Enclosed for your consideration is a Request for Proposals (RFP).  Any inquiries about the RFP should be addressed to Frances Bengtson, Executive Director ( or (831 )678-3745.  Enclosed is a copy of the District’s most recent audited financial statements. 


Six (6) copies of your firm’s formal proposal conforming to the District’s requirements should be submitted to Frances Bengtson, Executive Director, and must be received at the District’s Office located at 570 Walker Dr. Soledad, CA 93960, (P.O. Box 1650, Soledad, CA 93960) by Friday January 20, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

Please contact our  Executive Director Frances Bengtson


Regarding Board of Directors or District Transparency.




Attached is our most current completed Audit for your review.

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